Worry forever - vše o tomhle songu!
Jak už jsem psala, na tourné v Asji se objeví 3 nové písničky! Ani jedna z nich nebyla na žádném z mých CD ani na CD skupiny Slipknot! Jednou z nich je i písnička ''Worry forever''. Tahle písnička je temná a zlá, vlastně i vulgární. Text téhle písničky jsem napsala já a pomáhal mi Corey. Celé moje tourné a moje 3 album je spíše temné, a songy Slipknot také. Temné, zlé a sprosté ! Tahle píseň je vlastně o pekle. Hudbu k této písničce složil Joey. Zde ještě info o nahráváni této písničky (tato píseň společně z dalšími 5 písničkami se objeví na jednom CD které vyjde po skončení tourné :) zatím znáte 3 písničky z tohoto alba: Worry forever, Our farewall a Energy charge, o dalších 3 se dozvíte později! ) Na tom CD se také objeví písnička Snuff a Vermilion pt.2, no a ještě jedna moje a to Innocence :)!
O nahrávání písničky : Worry forever
Vocals: Doriz White and Corey Taylor
Guitars: James Root, Matthew Law Bruce, Wednesday 13
Bass: Thomas Fiedro
Drums: Joey Jordison
Text written by: Doriz White & Corey Taylor
All music by: Joey Jordison
Produced by: Joey Jordison
...a konečně text! :)
1. Go through life, and get to hell
There is devil, lucifer!
He like your lord
Who wants to war
and kills all
All in the world!
And you get here
to this stinking place
You never get back
This is your end!
Ref.: Worry! Forever!
I wanna live on this fucking place!
Worry! Forever!
I don´t want to ever go back!
Worry! Forever!
Worry! Forever!
Worry! Worry!
Worry forever!
2. When you get here
This place´s changed you
You are this evil
Which is everywhere
It doesn´t stop
It wants go on
And we pray
So you were right
But the devil got you
This is your end!
Ref.: Worry! Forever!
I wanna live on this fucking place!
Worry! Forever!
I don´t want to ever go back!
Worry! Forever!
Worry! Forever!
Worry! Worry!
Worry forever!
And now! Everything fucked !
Love and hate war!
Hate has won
This is the end
You know!
You know!
You know!
Ref.: Worry! Forever!
I wanna live on this fucking place!
Worry! Forever!
I don´t want to ever go back!
Worry! Forever!
Worry! Forever!
Worry! Worry!
Worry forever|!
This is the end...This is the end
This is the end.....The END!
To je vše
Vaše Doriz ♥